Click on the above link to get started
âDeveloper viewâ offers a preview to the capabilities that HACO supports. In the prototype version, the user can select any combination of âCompiler finer tunerâ or âIntrinsic mapperâ or âSuper optimiserâ that needs to be applied to the code in the âinput source boxâ. HACO then converts the code in the âinput source boxâ and displays the optimised version of the code(Assembly) in the âoutput boxâ.
Sign-up to start using HACO-developer view using the âSIGN UPâ on the top-right corner. You can sign-up use any valid email ID. This email ID can be used to âLOGINâ at any point in the future.
Usage: Input code to be optimised in âInput sourceâ box
By default, all of HACO capabilities are enabled by default.
Select language the input code is written in
âOPTIMIZEâ option internally invokes HACO search algorithms and generates an optimised assembly code. The optimized code is displayed in âGenerated Assemblyâ box. Developer view also gives a option to copy the optimised source code to the clipboard, giving the flexibility to copy the optimised source code into your environment.
The binary version is available through âDOWNLOAD BINARYâ option - This can be used to run on any platform running on ARM based CPUs
âRESETâ button allows you to update the code in âInput Sourceâ box or select another combination of HACO capabilities to be applied.
âCLEARâ button resets the âInput Sourceâ box.