<aside> 💡 HACO is beta/protytpe is available! Try it now for free!


Versions of HACO

HACO Prototype/Beta comes in two flavours that is available to the users. The first is a developer view, which offers a preview into all of the capabilities that HACO supports. The second is an executable, that can be installed on any linux distribution allowing users to directly integrate HACO into their application and see for first-hand the optimisations.

Outside of the two flavours, our team also offers Professional services to customers running both cloud-native & traditional applications. As part of the professional services, we will share recommendations through our porting advisor & hotspots in customer applications along with potential ways to mitigate the hotspots.

🆓 Developer View:

An online version from your browser. (NOT AVAILABLE CURRENTLY)

We are working to bring up

🆓 **Executable**

Debian package that can be installed on any Linux Distribution. (AVAILABLE 🟢)

💸**Professional Service**

Our team offers application performance optimization and fine-tuning services for your code. Please let us know if you would like us to provide a code snippet or discuss your project needs. (AVAILABLE 🟢)

🆓  🟢AVAILABLE How to Use the HACO Developer View

<aside> 💡 Developer view is hosted at http://haco-developer.com/



Developer View offers a preview to capabilities supported in HACO. A user can input sample code snippets in the ‘input source box’ and display the optimised version of the code(Assembly) in the ‘Generated Assembly’ box. Refer to below links to get started.


Getting Started Developer View

FAQ Developer View